School Improvement Council
What is a School Improvement Council (SIC)?
The School Improvement Council (SIC) serves as an advisory committee to a school's principal and faculty. Unlike PTA/Os and other voluntary school organizations, councils are mandated by law to exist in every public school in South Carolina (now more than 1100). SICs play a key role in the education of our state's children, bringing together parents, educators and community stakeholders to collaborate on the improvement of their local school. More than 16,000 people serve on SICs in South Carolina.
Who May Serve on a Council?
Almost anyone is eligible to serve on a School Improvement Council - parents, teachers, business partners, community leaders and students in grade nine and above. The average council has about 12 members; two thirds of the members must be elected parents, students and teachers. The principal appoints the remaining third of the council, careful to ensure broad representation from the larger school community including non-parent taxpayers who have a special expertise or perspective.
The principal serves as an ex-officio member of the council as do a variety of other people by virtue of their position at the school. Ex-officio members may include the PTA/O president, volunteer coordinator, business partner, Booster Club president, Teacher of the Year, and last year's SIC Chair; the number depends on the school's needs.
What Do SICs Do?
Councils work collaboratively with the school to develop and implement a five-year school improvement plan (school renewal plan), monitor and evaluate success in reaching the plan's goals and objectives, and write an annual report to parents about the progress of the plan. Councils also assist the principal in writing the narrative for the School Report Card. In addition, Councils advise on the use of school incentive awards and provide assistance as requested by the principal. School Improvement Councils do not have any of the powers and duties reserved by the local school board.
Why Should I Become Involved?
When parents are involved in their children's education, the quality of schools improves and children do better in school. Parents can bring great wisdom to the council. They have intimate knowledge about their children and access to other parents who can provide knowledge and insight.
Citizens who are not parents of children in the school can make unique contributions to School Improvement Councils. Senior citizens, business people, members of the faith community, staff of social service agencies and others all have knowledge, experience and resources to share. Community members who feel ownership in the school are often the best advocates for the children and the school.
Become involved. Everyone has something to contribute.
Key Points
- The School Improvement Council (SIC) serves as an advisory committee to a school's principal and faculty.
- Unlike PTA/Os and other voluntary school organizations,councils are mandated by law to exist in every public school in South Carolina.
- SICs play a key role in the education of our state's children, bringing together parents, educators and community stakeholders to work collectively to improve their local schools.
- More than 16,000 people serve on SICs in South Carolina.
Key Functions
- SICs work with the school to develop and implement a five-year school improvement plan (school renewal plan).
- SICs monitor and evaluate success in reaching the plan's goals and objectives.
- SICs write an annual report to parents about the progress of the plan.
- SICs assist the principal in writing the narrative for the School Report Card.
- SICs advise on the use of school incentive awards and provide assistance as requested by the principal.
- SIC elections, by SC state law, must be held by October 15.
- SIC membership, by SC state law, must be reported to the SC-SIC Member Network by November 15.
- The Report to the Parents, by SC state law, is due to be distributed to the community by April 30.
School Improvement Councils do not have any of the powers and duties reserved by the local school board.