Strategic Plan
Student Achievement
Implement the use of iReady for reading and math online interventions.
Continue differentiated instruction that occurs during a 30-minute daily WIN time (“What I Need”) that includes reteaching, remediation, or extension activities for Math, Literacy, and Social-Emotional Learning.
Continue focus on writing in all content areas with an emphasis on requiring written responses in performance assessments, informative writing, and the use of a single scoring rubric for every piece of written work.
Continue to implement a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) for all students with more structure to interventions/accommodations provided through the process.
Teacher Quality
Continue to use data/feedback from classroom observations to strengthen instruction.
Offer personalized teacher and administrator professional development through the use of PLL (Professional Learning Library).
Use creative scheduling to provide opportunities for professional development that alleviates some time constraints for staff.
School Climate
Continue focus on collective efficacy of staff and students toward improving student achievement.
Continue to create positive learning conditions for staff and students through relationships, collegiality, expectations, positive behavior supports, and participation/decision-making.