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Strategic Plan

Student Achievement

  • Implement the use of iReady for reading and math online interventions.

  • Continue differentiated instruction that occurs during a 30-minute daily WIN time (“What I Need”) that includes reteaching, remediation, or extension activities for Math, Literacy, and Social-Emotional Learning. 

  • Continue focus on writing in all content areas with an emphasis on requiring written responses in performance assessments, informative writing, and the use of a single scoring rubric for every piece of written work. 

  • Continue to implement a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) for all students with more structure to interventions/accommodations provided through the process. 

Teacher Quality

  • Continue to use data/feedback from classroom observations to strengthen instruction. 

  • Offer personalized teacher and administrator professional development through the use of PLL (Professional Learning Library).

  • Use creative scheduling to provide opportunities for professional development that alleviates some time constraints for staff. 

School Climate

  • Continue focus on collective efficacy of staff and students toward improving student achievement. 

  • Continue to create positive learning conditions for staff and students through relationships, collegiality, expectations, positive behavior supports, and participation/decision-making.