Cellular Devices
Cellular phones and other devices (telecommunications devices that emit an audible signal, vibrate, display a message, or otherwise summon or deliver a communication to the possessor) ownership by adolescents has proliferated in recent years. To prevent disruption of the learning environment or violate the privacy rights of students who are minors, students are not allowed to have cellular devices in their possession or on their person between the hours of 7am and 3pm. Prior to a student entering the building, his or her cellular devices must be turned off and stored in the student’s bookbag. Cellular devices should not be kept any place other than inside a bookbag.
If a student is found in possession of a cellular device between 7am and 3pm the phone will be confiscated and the student will be disciplined according to policy.
While on school buses, cellular devices are to be turned off and stored out of sight in bookbags.
All cellular devices will be confiscated, including devices discovered during searches of reasonable suspicion. Cheating is not the only problem cellular devices present. Students also use them to carry on conversations with persons against the will of their parents, take photos, sometimes of people who don't know their picture is being taken and believe they are alone in rest rooms. News reports have shown that cellular devices with built-in cameras, as well as other electronic devices with photographing capabilities (camera devices), are being used for unethical and illegal purposes. These purposes have included cheating on tests and taking and distributing unauthorized photographs of other people. When someone takes pictures of others without their permission, he/she risks invasion of privacy and harassment lawsuits. The individual also may face criminal prosecution. These devices also can be used to reproduce copyrighted material, so their misuse can lead to penalties under federal copyright laws.
To address these concerns, in addition to our existing guidelines on the use of electronic devices on school grounds and at school-sponsored activities, the following guidelines apply to possession and use of cellular devices.
- Students are to go to the office to make emergency phone calls home. Emergency phone calls can always be made in the main/office during school hours; so cellular devices are not needed during school hours.
- In cases of emergency, parents are asked to call the school office.
Students who willfully violate the provisions of the cellular device policy on the first offense will have their device confiscated. After disciplinary consequences have been served, parents must sign a contract when the cellular device is returned to them stating: “I am aware of the laws and policies regarding cellular devices on school campuses. My child’s cellular device is being returned one time and one time only. Any further confiscation of a cellular device from my child will result in the device being forfeited to the school district until the end of the academic calendar.” On the second cellular device violation, the device will be confiscated until the last day of the academic calendar and only returned to the parent. No exceptions! Students who fail to submit their cellular devices upon request are subject to out-of-school suspension. The school/district will not be liable for a lost/damaged cellular device or financial loss due to the confiscation of the device.